00 24/11/2010 09:17
Mi è arrivata questa risposta da Spamcop dopo che avevo provato a richiedere lo "sbloccaggio".

Oggetto: Re: BL dispute: IP:
Data: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 11:56:31 -0800
Mittente: Spamcop/Kelly <deputies@admin.spamcop.net>
A: xxx@xxx.it

The SpamCop blocklist does not list email addresses or domain names; it only lists the IPs of servers that are sending spam to our users and spamtraps. The IP address of the mail server on our list doesn't have anything to do with the specific email(s) you're sending. This is a shared IP or mailserver and spam is being sent through this IP/mailserver, probably by another user. The only one who can determine the precise source of the spam and make it stop is your ISP. They are the only people who have access to the logs to determine the sender.

The blocklist is automated and IPs are listed when there are spam
reports and delisted when there have been no new reports for 24 hours.

We do not do manual removals, nor do we remove servers before 24 hours have passed with no new reports of spam.

Please contact your ISP/hosting provider/outbound email service for
additional information about this problem. Please show them a copy of the rejection notice you're getting so they'll know what server is at issue.

On 11/23/10 4:11 AM, Xxxx wrote:
> Reason for contact: BL dispute
> Additional details: IP:
> Refering page: spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip=
> My fix IP is and the IP blocked is the email server of FASTWEB.
> --
> This email generated by SpamCop web support form
> Referer: spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip=
> Details: www.spamcop.net/admin?action=runquery;query=ipstats;param=85....

Ho paura che bisogna sperare in un miracolo da parte di FW!