Unità mancanti

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00lunedì 30 aprile 2012 12:04
vorrei un aiuto a sbloccare le seguenti unità per:


-Sergenti Corazzati
-archi lunghi a cavallo

-Arcieri francesi appiedati
-cavalieri cortesi appiedati

-Cavalieri gotici appiedati

-Lance Spezzate appiedate

-Uomini d'arme appiedati

-Gulay Gorod

-Tuareg Appiedati

-Cavalieri Cortesi Appiedati

-Cavalieri lituani appiedati
-Fort Wagon

-Fort Wagon

-Lance Spezzate appiedate

-Lancieri Leggeri appiedati
-Lancieri pesanti appiedati
-arcieri appiedati (NON gli arcieri mongoli appiedati)

-Lancieri pesanti appiedati
-bombarda gigante


-Guerrieri Freccia


-Archi Lunghi a cavallo

-Cavalieri feudali appiedati


-Grande Croce di Gerusalemme

-Grande Croce di Antiochia

-Arcieri Nubiani


-Arcieri appiedati
-Lancieri pesanti appiedati
-Lancieri leggeri appiedati

-Lance spezzate appiedate


-Holk (Nave)

-Cavalieri Gotici Appiedati

-Arcieri Appiedati
-Lancieri Pesanti Appiedati
-Lancieri Leggeri Appiedati

-Gulay Gorod

-Wagon Fort

00lunedì 30 aprile 2012 12:17
Premetto che ho provato a modificare il descr_strat ma anche con questo salvato non mi fà avere le unità elencate :(
00martedì 1 maggio 2012 19:12
Dipende da dove li vuoi usare. Se li vuoi usare nelle battaglie personalizzate basta che modifichi il descr_strat ma se li vuoi usare anche in campagna dei modificare anche l'export_descr_buildings.
00mercoledì 2 maggio 2012 13:08
Grazie della risposta (almeno uno che mi vuole bene finalmente!!!!) purtroppo però anche se modifico tali file non mi dà il risultato sperato.

Ad esempio, questa è l'export_descr_buildings di americas della RASTRELLIERA DEI TESCHI:

building skull_rack
religion pagan
levels skull_rack
skull_rack city requires factions { mesoamerican, } and building_present_min_level ball_court ball_court
recruit_pool "Arrow Warriors" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { aztecs, }
recruit_pool "Chichimec Riders" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { chichimeca, } and event_counter chichi_horses_1 1
recruit_pool "Chichimec Gunners" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { chichimeca, } and event_counter chichi_guns_1 1
religion_level bonus 1
happiness_bonus bonus 1
material stone
construction 2
cost 800
settlement_min large_town

IL MIO INTENTO è avere i GUERRIERI FRECCIA anche per TLAXCALTECHI E TARASCHI, quindi modifico in questo modo:

building skull_rack
religion pagan
levels skull_rack
skull_rack city requires factions { mesoamerican, } and building_present_min_level ball_court ball_court
recruit_pool "Arrow Warriors" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { aztecs, tlaxcalans, tarascans, }
recruit_pool "Chichimec Riders" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { chichimeca, } and event_counter chichi_horses_1 1
recruit_pool "Chichimec Gunners" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { chichimeca, } and event_counter chichi_guns_1 1
religion_level bonus 1
happiness_bonus bonus 1
material stone
construction 2
cost 800
settlement_min large_town

Come si vede, ho aggiunto sia i taraschi che i tlaxcaltechi insieme agli aztechi che esistono di loro... il problema è che quando rinizio la campagna con una di queste fazioni non mi dà i guerrieri freccia :8

00giovedì 13 dicembre 2012 19:18
Scusate se ripesco il topic dai meandri più oscuri, ma come posso rendere quelle unità reclutabili nella gran campagna di med2 liscio?
00martedì 18 dicembre 2012 20:27
Meno male che qualcuno viene ogni tanto a vedere questo topic. Guarda ti assicuro che quelli del forum non valgono una cima (per usare un eufermismo) a risponderti (a parte che SE ti risponderanno ti diranno cose assolutamente inutili come per esempio: "Prima di tutto devi registrarti nell'apposita sezione" o cazzate di questo genere). Cmq dovresti prima di tutto andare dalla cartella dove hai installato Medieval II (per esempio: C://programmi(x86)//SEGA//Medieval II Total War)
Da qui devi innanzitutto sbloccare i file nascosti tramite i tools. Ci stà una cartella chiamata TOOL appunto ed entri. Qui trovi UNPACK_ALL che è un programma DOS che ti permette di sbloccare tutti i file (ci vorrà una mezzora). Quando lo fai partire segui le istruzioni (in inglese), cmq devi sempre premere il tasto Y. L'unica cosa è che, purtroppo, ogni tanto si blocca irrimediabilmente a causa delle versioni (sono anni che non ci gioco e mi ricordo che devi procedere appena installato e, se non ti funziona (ovvero si blocca quando procede), vuol dire che devi mettergli la patch superiore (es: 1.3, 1.4 ecc...) del SOLO Medieval II liscio. Se hai la GOLD EDITION dovrai scaricare la patch APPOSITAMENTE per la GOLD EDITION (in questo caso però non dovresti avere problemi con UNPACK_ALL).

Ok, detto questi preliminari se torni indietro e vai sempre nella cartella principale del gioco, vai ora sulla cartella DATA. Qui dentro ora troverai un sacco di file in formato blocco note. Uno di questi si chiama "export_descr_buildings". Innanzitutto COPIALO da una parte (preferibilmente in documenti come ho fatto io) così da non dover reinstallare il gioco. Ora aprilo e troverai tutte le strutture per generare le unità nonché come sono disposte a seconda della struttura. Devi cercare di mettere l'unità che preferisci esattamente nel modo in cui vengono messe le altre unità.

Esempio: recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Normans, }

Ecco qualunque tipo di unità la devi mettere esattamente così.

ATTENZIONE: Stai attento perchè NON tutte le unità se le metti in determinati posti riuscirai a generarle, ma anzi ti crashera il gioco in continuo e sarai costretto a rimodificare il file.

Cmq questo esempio che ti posto va bene per tutto il MED II Liscio:

hidden_resources sparta rome italy america atlantic explorers_guild swordsmiths_guild woodsmens_guild teutonic_knights_chapter_house knights_of_santiago_chapter_house crusade jihad arguin horde_target no_pirates no_brigands

building core_building
convert_to core_castle_building
levels wooden_pallisade wooden_wall stone_wall large_stone_wall huge_stone_wall
wooden_pallisade city requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
wall_level 0
tower_level 1
free_upkeep bonus 2
happiness_bonus bonus 1
recruitment_slots 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 600
settlement_min village
wooden_wall city requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "Conquistadores" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, } and hidden_resource america
recruit_pool "Dismounted Conquistadores" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, } and hidden_resource america
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Archer Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "SE Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { moors, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Archer Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
wall_level 1
gate_strength 1
tower_level 1
free_upkeep bonus 3
happiness_bonus bonus 1
recruitment_slots 2
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1200
settlement_min town
stone_wall city requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Conquistadores" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, } and hidden_resource america
recruit_pool "Papal Guard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { papal_states, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Conquistadores" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, } and hidden_resource america
recruit_pool "Aztec Peasants" 1 1 9 0 requires factions { aztecs, }
recruit_pool "Aztec Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { aztecs, }
recruit_pool "Aztec Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { aztecs, }
recruit_pool "Aztec Spear Throwers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { aztecs, }
recruit_pool "Aztec Warriors" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { aztecs, }
recruit_pool "Jaguar Warriors" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { aztecs, }
recruit_pool "Eagle Warriors" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { aztecs, }
recruit_pool "Cuahchiqueh" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { aztecs, }
recruit_pool "Coyote Priests" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { aztecs, }
recruit_pool "Arrow Warriors" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { aztecs, }
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Archer Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "SE Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { moors, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Archer Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "SE Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Jinetes" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { portugal, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Theigns" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
wall_level 2
tower_level 1
gate_strength 1
free_upkeep bonus 4
happiness_bonus bonus 1
recruitment_slots 2
material stone
construction 3
cost 2400
settlement_min large_town
large_stone_wall city requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Conquistadores" 1 0.4 3 1 requires factions { spain, portugal, } and hidden_resource america
recruit_pool "Papal Guard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { papal_states, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Conquistadores" 1 0.4 3 1 requires factions { spain, portugal, } and hidden_resource america
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Archer Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "SE Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { moors, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Archer Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "SE Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Archer Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Scots Pike Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Crossbow Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Genoese Crossbow Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Pavise Crossbow Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { venice, papal_states, sicily, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Crossbow Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "S Archer Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Crossbow Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Saracen Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "Sabadar Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Theigns" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
wall_level 3
tower_level 1
gate_strength 2
free_upkeep bonus 5
happiness_bonus bonus 2
recruitment_slots 3
material stone
construction 3
cost 4800
settlement_min city
huge_stone_wall city requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Conquistadores" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { spain, portugal, } and hidden_resource america
recruit_pool "Swiss Guard" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { papal_states, }
recruit_pool "Hussars" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Cossack Musketeers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { russia, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Dismounted Conquistadores" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { spain, portugal, } and hidden_resource america
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Archer Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "SE Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { moors, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Archer Militia" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "SE Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Archer Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Scots Pike Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Crossbow Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Genoese Crossbow Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Pavise Crossbow Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { venice, papal_states, sicily, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Crossbow Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "S Archer Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Crossbow Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Saracen Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "Sabadar Militia" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Theigns" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Broken Lances" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states,}
recruit_pool "Noble Pikemen" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Scots Guard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Christian Guard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Broken Lances" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, }
wall_level 4
tower_level 1
gate_strength 2
free_upkeep bonus 6
happiness_bonus bonus 3
recruitment_slots 3
material stone
construction 4
cost 9600
settlement_min large_city
building core_castle_building
convert_to core_building
levels motte_and_bailey wooden_castle castle fortress citadel
motte_and_bailey castle requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Hobilars" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Border Horse" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Scouts" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Jinetes" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Polish Shooters" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Kazaks" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Magyar Cavalry" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Skythikon" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Cavalry" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Horse Archers" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Theigns" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Highland Rabble" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Southern Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { sicily, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
wall_level 0
tower_level 1
law_bonus bonus 1
recruitment_slots 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 600
settlement_min village
wooden_castle castle requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Viking Raiders" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Polish Nobles" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Boyar Sons" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Hungarian Nobles" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Cavalry" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mamluk Archers" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahis" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Light Lancers" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "English Huscarls" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Hobilars" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Border Horse" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Scouts" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Jinetes" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Polish Shooters" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Kazaks" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Magyar Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Skythikon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Horse Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Theigns" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Polish Nobles" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Highland Rabble" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Southern Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { sicily, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
wall_level 1
gate_strength 1
tower_level 1
law_bonus bonus 2
recruitment_slots 2
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1200
settlement_min village
castle castle requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "Druzhina" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Vardariotai" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Heavy Archers" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Huscarls" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Polish Nobles" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Boyar Sons" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Hungarian Nobles" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mamluk Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahis" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Light Lancers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "English Huscarls" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Viking Raiders" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Polish Nobles" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Hobilars" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Border Horse" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Scouts" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Jinetes" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Polish Shooters" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Kazaks" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Magyar Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Skythikon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Horse Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Lithuanian Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Theigns" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Highland Rabble" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Southern Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { sicily, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
wall_level 2
tower_level 1
gate_strength 1
law_bonus bonus 3
recruitment_slots 3
material stone
construction 3
cost 2400
settlement_min town
fortress castle requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "Polish Retainers" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Druzhina" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Lancers" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Heavy Lancers" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Feudal Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, milan, venice, papal_states, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Norman Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { sicily, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Polish Nobles" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Boyar Sons" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Vardariotai" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Granadine Jinetes" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mamluks" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahi Lancers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Heavy Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Viking Raiders" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Polish Nobles" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "English Huscarls" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Hobilars" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Border Horse" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Scouts" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Jinetes" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Polish Shooters" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Magyar Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Skythikon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Horse Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Theigns" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Highland Rabble" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Southern Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { sicily, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Levy Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highlanders" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Sergeant Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Viking Raiders" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Javelinmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit_pool "Lusitanian Javelinmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { portugal, }
recruit_pool "Woodsmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "Slav Levies" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Berber Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Kurdish Javelinmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Javelinmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "ME Levy Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Afghan Javelinmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Archers" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "S Peasant Archers" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { sicily, hungary, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasant Archers" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "Sudanese Javelinmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasant Archers" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Feudal Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, milan, venice, papal_states, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Norman Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { sicily, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Boyar Sons" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Arab Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Sipahi Lancers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Heavy Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Feudal Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Huscarls" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Kazaks" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Hungarian Nobles" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mamluk Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahis" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Light Lancers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Gothic Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hre, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Heavy Lancers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Light Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }

wall_level 3
tower_level 1
gate_strength 2
law_bonus bonus 4
recruitment_slots 3
material stone
construction 3
cost 4800
settlement_min large_town
citadel castle requires factions { northern_european, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "Dismounted Polish Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Khan's Guard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Noble Swordsmen" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Noble Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Imperial Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hre, }
recruit_pool "Chivalric Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { spain, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Italian MAA" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, }
recruit_pool "Polish Retainers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "E Chivalric Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Lancers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Granadine Lancers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Heavy Lancers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Feudal Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { scotland, denmark, }
recruit_pool "Polish Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Boyar Sons" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Vardariotai" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Granadine Jinetes" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mamluks" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahi Lancers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Heavy Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Polish Nobles" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "English Huscarls" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Hobilars" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Border Horse" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Scouts" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Jinetes" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Polish Shooters" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Kazaks" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Magyar Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Skythikon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Horse Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Theigns" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Highland Rabble" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Southern Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { sicily, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasants" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Levy Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highlanders" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Sergeant Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Viking Raiders" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Javelinmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit_pool "Lusitanian Javelinmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { portugal, }
recruit_pool "Woodsmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "Slav Levies" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Berber Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Kurdish Javelinmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Javelinmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "ME Levy Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Afghan Javelinmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Archers" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "S Peasant Archers" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { sicily, hungary, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasant Archers" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "Sudanese Javelinmen" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasant Archers" 0 0.000001 0.999 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Feudal Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { scotland, denmark, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Noble Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Imperial Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hre, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Chivalric Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, spain, denmark, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Italian MAA" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Norman Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { sicily, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Boyar Sons" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted E Chivalric Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Arab Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Sipahi Lancers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Heavy Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted English Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Portuguese Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { portugal, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Feudal Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mamluk Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahis" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Light Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, }
recruit_pool "Feudal Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, milan, venice, papal_states, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Huscarls" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Norman Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { sicily, }
recruit_pool "Polish Nobles" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Druzhina" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Hungarian Nobles" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Feudal Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Gothic Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hre, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Light Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Heavy Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Broken Lances" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { papal_states, }
wall_level 4
tower_level 1
gate_strength 2
law_bonus bonus 5
recruitment_slots 3
material stone
construction 4
cost 9600
settlement_min city
building tower
convert_to castle_tower
levels ballista_towers cannon_towers
ballista_towers city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
tower_level 2
material stone
construction 3
cost 3200
settlement_min large_city
cannon_towers city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
convert_to 1
tower_level 3
material stone
construction 4
cost 6400
settlement_min huge_city
building castle_tower
convert_to tower
levels c_ballista_towers c_cannon_towers
c_ballista_towers castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
tower_level 2
material stone
construction 3
cost 3200
settlement_min large_city
c_cannon_towers castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
convert_to 1
tower_level 3
material stone
construction 4
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
building equestrian
levels stables knights_stables barons_stables earls_stables kings_stables
stables castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Hobilars" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Border Horse" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Scouts" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Jinetes" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Polish Shooters" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Kazaks" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Magyar Cavalry" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Skythikon" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Cavalry" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Horse Archers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { Normans, }
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1200
settlement_min town
knights_stables castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Huscarls" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Polish Nobles" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Boyar Sons" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Hungarian Nobles" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Cavalry" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Light Lancers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Hobilars" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Border Horse" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Scouts" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Jinetes" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Polish Shooters" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Kazaks" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Magyar Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Skythikon" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Horse Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
material wooden
construction 3
cost 2400
settlement_min large_town
barons_stables castle requires factions { scotland, denmark, hre, france, england, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Feudal Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Norman Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { sicily, }
recruit_pool "Druzhina" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Lancers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Granadine Jinetes" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mamluk Archers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahis" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Heavy Archers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Huscarls" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Polish Nobles" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Boyar Sons" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Hungarian Nobles" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Light Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Hobilars" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Border Horse" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Scouts" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Jinetes" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Polish Shooters" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Kazaks" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Magyar Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Skythikon" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Horse Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
material wooden
construction 4
cost 4800
settlement_min city
earls_stables castle requires factions { scotland, denmark, hre, france, england, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Hussars" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Dvor Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "English Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Chivalric Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, denmark, spain, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Imperial Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hre, }
recruit_pool "Portuguese Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { portugal, }
recruit_pool "Italian MAA" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, }
recruit_pool "Polish Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Cossack Cavalry" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "E Chivalric Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Latinkon" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Granadine Lancers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mamluks" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahi Lancers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Heavy Lancers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Feudal Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Feudal Knights" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Norman Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, }
recruit_pool "Druzhina" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Granadine Jinetes" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mamluk Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahis" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Heavy Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Boyar Sons" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Light Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Hobilars" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Border Horse" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Scouts" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Jinetes" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Polish Shooters" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Kazaks" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Magyar Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Skythikon" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Horse Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Elephants" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Huscarls" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Polish Nobles" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Hungarian Nobles" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
00martedì 18 dicembre 2012 20:33
material wooden
construction 5
cost 9600
settlement_min large_city
kings_stables castle requires factions { hre, france, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, venice, }
recruit_pool "Lancers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Gothic Knights" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hre, }
recruit_pool "Stradiots" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { venice, }
recruit_pool "Polish Guard" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Tsars Guard" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Royal Banderium" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Kataphractoi" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Christian Guard" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Royal Mamluks" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Quapukulu" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Khan's Guard" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Reiters" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hre, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "English Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Chivalric Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, denmark, spain, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Imperial Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hre, }
recruit_pool "Portuguese Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { portugal, }
recruit_pool "Italian MAA" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, }
recruit_pool "Polish Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Dvor Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "E Chivalric Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Latinkon" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Granadine Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mamluks" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahi Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Heavy Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Feudal Knights" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Druzhina" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Granadine Jinetes" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mamluk Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahis" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Heavy Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Boyar Sons" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Light Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Hobilars" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Border Horse" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Scouts" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Jinetes" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Polish Shooters" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Kazaks" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Magyar Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Skythikon" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Horse Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Horse Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Hussars" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Cossack Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Elephants" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Elephant Artillery" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Feudal Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Norman Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Huscarls" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Polish Nobles" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Hungarian Nobles" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Sergeants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hre, }
recruit_pool "Mailed Knights" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
material wooden
construction 6
cost 9600
settlement_min large_city
building barracks
convert_to castle_barracks
levels town_watch town_guard city_watch militia_drill_square militia_barracks army_barracks royal_armoury
town_watch city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Town Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Archer Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "SE Town Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Archer Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
law_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 600
settlement_min town
town_guard city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Spear Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Spear Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "SE Spear Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "SE Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
law_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1200
settlement_min large_town
city_watch city requires factions { denmark, hre, france, scotland, england, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 3
recruit_pool "Archer Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Scots Pike Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Crossbow Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Genoese Crossbow Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Pavise Crossbow Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { venice, papal_states, sicily, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Crossbow Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "S Archer Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Crossbow Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Saracen Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "Sabadar Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "SE Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "SE Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
law_bonus bonus 3
material wooden
construction 4
cost 2400
settlement_min city
militia_drill_square city requires factions { denmark, hre, france, scotland, england, timurids, moors, egypt, turks, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 4
recruit_pool "Bill Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Heavy Pike Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Partisan Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Halberd Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hre, papal_states, sicily, poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Swordstaff Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Swordsmen Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Italian Cavalry Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "EE Cavalry Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Infantry" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Urban Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "ME Halberd Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Scots Pike Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Genoese Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Pavise Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { venice, papal_states, sicily, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "S Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Saracen Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "Sabadar Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "SE Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "SE Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
law_bonus bonus 3
material wooden
construction 5
cost 4800
settlement_min large_city
militia_barracks city requires factions { denmark, hre, france, england, timurids, moors, egypt, turks, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 4
recruit_pool "Heavy Bill Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Pike Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Hand Gunners" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { denmark, poland, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Berdiche Axemen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Arquebusiers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Varangian Guard" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Hand Gunners" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, turks, timurids, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Tabardariyya" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Hand Gunners" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Bill Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Heavy Pike Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Partisan Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Halberd Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hre, papal_states, sicily, poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Swordstaff Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Swordsmen Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Italian Cavalry Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "EE Cavalry Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Infantry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Urban Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "ME Halberd Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Scots Pike Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Genoese Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Pavise Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { venice, papal_states, sicily, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "S Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Saracen Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "Sabadar Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "SE Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "SE Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
law_bonus bonus 3
material wooden
construction 6
cost 9600
settlement_min huge_city
army_barracks city requires factions { denmark, hre, france, england, moors, egypt, turks, poland, russia, southern_european, }
convert_to 4
recruit_pool "Arquebusiers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, poland, russia, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Portuguese Arquebusiers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { portugal, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Sudanese Gunners" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Janissary Archers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Pikemen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Heavy Bill Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Pike Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Hand Gunners" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, poland, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Berdiche Axemen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Arquebusiers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Varangian Guard" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Hand Gunners" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, turks, timurids, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Tabardariyya" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Hand Gunners" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Bill Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Heavy Pike Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Partisan Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Halberd Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hre, papal_states, sicily, poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Swordstaff Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Swordsmen Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Italian Cavalry Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "EE Cavalry Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Infantry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Urban Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "ME Halberd Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Scots Pike Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Genoese Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Pavise Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { venice, papal_states, sicily, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "S Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Saracen Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "Sabadar Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "SE Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "SE Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
law_bonus bonus 3
00martedì 18 dicembre 2012 20:34
material wooden
construction 7
cost 12000
settlement_min huge_city
royal_armoury city requires factions { turks, venice, milan, portugal, spain, }
convert_to 4
recruit_pool "Musketeers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, milan, venice, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Janissary Musketeers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { turks, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Arquebusiers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, poland, russia, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Portuguese Arquebusiers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { portugal, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Sudanese Gunners" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Janissary Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Pikemen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Heavy Bill Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Pike Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Hand Gunners" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, poland, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Berdiche Axemen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Arquebusiers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Varangian Guard" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Hand Gunners" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, turks, timurids, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Tabardariyya" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Hand Gunners" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
recruit_pool "Bill Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Heavy Pike Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Partisan Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Halberd Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hre, papal_states, sicily, poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Swordstaff Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Swordsmen Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Italian Cavalry Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "EE Cavalry Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Infantry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Urban Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "ME Halberd Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Scots Pike Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Genoese Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Pavise Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { venice, papal_states, sicily, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "S Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Crossbow Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Saracen Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "Sabadar Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "SE Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "SE Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Archer Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "ME Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Town Militia" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
law_bonus bonus 3
material wooden
construction 8
cost 15000
settlement_min huge_city
building castle_barracks
convert_to barracks
levels mustering_hall garrison_quarters drill_square barracks armoury
mustering_hall castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Peasants" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Highland Rabble" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Southern Peasants" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { sicily, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasants" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasants" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 600
settlement_min village
garrison_quarters castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
recruit_pool "Levy Spearmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highlanders" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Sergeant Spearmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Viking Raiders" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Javelinmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit_pool "Lusitanian Javelinmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { portugal, }
recruit_pool "Woodsmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "Slav Levies" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Spearmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Berber Spearmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Kurdish Javelinmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Javelinmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "ME Levy Spearmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Afghan Javelinmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Peasants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Highland Rabble" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Southern Peasants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1200
settlement_min town
drill_square castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "Billmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highland Nobles" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Armored Sergeants" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Norse Swordsmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Almughavars" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "EE Spearmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "Croat Axemen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Nubian Spearmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Azabs" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Infantry" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Afghan Javelinmen" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Huscarls" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Levy Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highlanders" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Sergeant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Viking Raiders" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { spain, }
recruit_pool "Lusitanian Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { portugal, }
recruit_pool "Woodsmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "Slav Levies" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Berber Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Kurdish Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "ME Levy Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Peasants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Highland Rabble" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Southern Peasants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
material wooden
construction 3
cost 2400
settlement_min large_town
barracks castle requires factions { denmark, hre, france, scotland, england, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "Dismounted Huscarls" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Armored Swordsmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highland Pikemen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Voulgier" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Norse Axemen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Venetian Heavy Infantry" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { venice, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Druchima" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Pavise Spearmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Lamtuna Spearmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Naffatun" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Billmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highland Nobles" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Armored Sergeants" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { france, hre, milan, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Norse Swordsmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Almughavars" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Armored Sergeants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { venice, Normans, }
recruit_pool "EE Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "Croat Axemen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Byzantine Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Nubian Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Azabs" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Infantry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Afghan Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Levy Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highlanders" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Sergeant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { france, hre, milan, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Viking Raiders" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { spain, }
recruit_pool "Lusitanian Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { portugal, }
recruit_pool "Sergeant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { venice, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Woodsmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "Slav Levies" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 2 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Berber Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Kurdish Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "ME Levy Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Peasants" 1 0.1 4 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Highland Rabble" 1 0.1 4 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Southern Peasants" 1 0.1 4 0 requires factions { sicily, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasants" 1 0.1 4 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasants" 1 0.1 4 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounte Tuareg Spearmen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, }
material wooden
construction 4
cost 4800
settlement_min city
armoury castle requires factions { denmark, hre, france, scotland, england, turks, egypt, moors, hungary, greek, sicily, venice, portugal, spain, }
convert_to 3
recruit_pool "Noble Swordsmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Pikemen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Broken Lances" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Christian Guard" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Heavy Billmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Noble Pikemen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Obudshaer" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Armored Swordsmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highland Pikemen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Voulgier" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Zweihander" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hre, }
recruit_pool "Norse Axemen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Sword and Buckler Men" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { spain, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Aventuros" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { portugal, }
recruit_pool "Venetian Heavy Infantry" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { venice, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Druchima" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Pavise Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Latinkon" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Lamtuna Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Naffatun" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "Naffatun" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Huscarls" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Billmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highland Nobles" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Armored Sergeants" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Norse Swordsmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Almughavars" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "EE Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "Croat Axemen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Byzantine Lancers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Nubian Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Azabs" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Infantry" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Afghan Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "Armored Sergeants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Levy Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highlanders" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Sergeant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { france, hre, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Viking Raiders" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { spain, }
recruit_pool "Lusitanian Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { portugal, }
recruit_pool "Woodsmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "Slav Levies" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 3 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Berber Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Kurdish Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "ME Levy Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Sergeant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Normans, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Peasants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "Highland Rabble" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Southern Peasants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasants" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Tuareg Spearmen" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Men at Arms" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, }
material wooden
construction 6
cost 9600
settlement_min large_city
building professional_military
levels military_academy officers_academy
military_academy city requires factions { france , england, spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Demi Lancers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "French Mounted Archers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted French Archers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Tercio Pikemen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { spain, }
material wooden
construction 4
cost 4800
settlement_min huge_city
officers_academy city requires factions { france , england, spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Gendarmes" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, spain, }
recruit_pool "Demi Lancers" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "French Mounted Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted French Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Tercio Pikemen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { spain, }
material wooden
construction 6
cost 9600
settlement_min huge_city
building missiles
levels bowyer practice_range archery_range marksmans_range
bowyer castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "S Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, hungary, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, russia, }
recruit_pool "Sudanese Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1200
settlement_min town
practice_range castle requires factions { denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Longbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highland Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Crossbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, }
recruit_pool "Norse Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Sicilian Muslim Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, }
recruit_pool "Lithuanian Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Bosnian Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Trebizond Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Foot Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "S Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, hungary, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Sudanese Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
material wooden
construction 3
cost 2400
settlement_min large_town
archery_range castle requires factions { denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, egypt, turks, moors, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Yeoman Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Noble Highland Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Crossbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, denmark, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Pavise Crossbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hre, spain, portugal, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Genoese Crossbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Venetian Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { venice, }
recruit_pool "Lithuanian Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Dvor" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Guard Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasant Crossbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Nubian Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Ottoman Infantry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Longbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highland Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Crossbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, }
recruit_pool "Norse Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Sicilian Muslim Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, }
recruit_pool "Lithuanian Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Bosnian Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Trebizond Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Foot Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "S Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, hungary, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Sudanese Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
material wooden
construction 4
cost 4800
settlement_min city
marksmans_range castle requires factions { denmark, hre, france, england, egypt, turks, moors, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Longbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Aventurier" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Mounted Crossbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Granadine CB Cav" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Yeoman Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Noble Highland Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Crossbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, denmark, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Pavise Crossbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hre, spain, portugal, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Genoese Crossbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Venetian Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { venice, }
recruit_pool "Lithuanian Cavalry" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Guard Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasant Crossbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Nubian Archers" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Ottoman Infantry" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Longbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Highland Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Crossbowmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, }
recruit_pool "Norse Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Sicilian Muslim Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, }
recruit_pool "Lithuanian Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "Bosnian Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "Trebizond Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Desert Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkish Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Foot Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, Normans, Saxons, }
recruit_pool "S Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { sicily, hungary, byzantium, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "EE Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 1 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Sudanese Javelinmen" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "ME Peasant Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Dismounted Archers" 1 0.7 6 0 requires factions { mongols, }
material wooden
construction 5
cost 9600
settlement_min large_city
building siege
convert_to castle_siege
levels ballista_range catapult_range siege_works
ballista_range city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
recruit_pool "NE Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "EE Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
00martedì 18 dicembre 2012 20:35
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1600
settlement_min large_town
catapult_range city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "NE Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "EE Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "EE Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
material wooden
construction 4
cost 3200
settlement_min city
siege_works city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "NE Trebuchet" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Trebuchet" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Trebuchet" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Trebuchet" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Trebuchet" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "EE Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "EE Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
material wooden
construction 5
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
building castle_siege
convert_to siege
levels c_ballista_range c_catapult_range c_siege_works
c_ballista_range castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
recruit_pool "NE Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "EE Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1600
settlement_min large_town
c_catapult_range castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "NE Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "EE Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "EE Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
material wooden
construction 4
cost 3200
settlement_min city
c_siege_works castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "NE Trebuchet" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Trebuchet" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Trebuchet" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Trebuchet" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Trebuchet" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "EE Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Catapult" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, Normans, }
recruit_pool "EE Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Ballista" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
material wooden
construction 5
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
building cannon
convert_to castle_cannon
levels gunsmith cannon_maker cannon_foundry royal_arsenal
gunsmith city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
convert_to 0
recruit_pool "NE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Rocket Launcher" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "AS Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, mongols, }
material wooden
construction 3
cost 800
settlement_min city
cannon_maker city requires factions { northern_european, timurids, egypt, moors, turks, eastern_european, southern_european, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "NE Mortar" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, }
recruit_pool "NE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "ME Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Rocket Launcher" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "AS Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, mongols, }
weapon_naval_gunpowder 1
material wooden
construction 4
cost 1600
settlement_min large_city
cannon_foundry city requires factions { northern_european, egypt, timurids, moors, turks, eastern_european, southern_european, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "NE Culverin" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, }
recruit_pool "NE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hre, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Serpentine" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Serpentine" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "ME Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Serpentine" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, }
recruit_pool "NE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "NE Mortar" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, }
recruit_pool "NE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "ME Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Rocket Launcher" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "AS Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, mongols, }
weapon_naval_gunpowder 1
material wooden
construction 5
cost 3200
settlement_min huge_city
royal_arsenal city requires factions { hre, france, turks, hungary, russia, venice, milan, portugal, spain, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
convert_to 3
recruit_pool "NE Basilisk" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "NE Monster Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "EE Basilisk" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "ME Monster Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Culverin" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, }
recruit_pool "NE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hre, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Serpentine" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Serpentine" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "ME Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Serpentine" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, }
recruit_pool "NE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "NE Mortar" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, }
recruit_pool "NE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "ME Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Rocket Launcher" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "AS Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, mongols, }
weapon_naval_gunpowder 1
material wooden
construction 6
cost 6400
settlement_min huge_city
building castle_cannon
convert_to cannon
levels c_gunsmith c_cannon_maker c_cannon_foundry c_royal_arsenal
c_gunsmith castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
convert_to 0
recruit_pool "NE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Rocket Launcher" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "AS Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, mongols, }
material wooden
construction 3
cost 800
settlement_min city
c_cannon_maker castle requires factions { northern_european, timurids, egypt, moors, turks, eastern_european, southern_european, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "NE Mortar" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, }
recruit_pool "NE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "ME Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Rocket Launcher" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "AS Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, mongols, }
weapon_naval_gunpowder 1
material wooden
construction 4
cost 1600
settlement_min large_city
c_cannon_foundry castle requires factions { northern_european, egypt, timurids, moors, turks, eastern_european, southern_european, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "NE Culverin" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, }
recruit_pool "NE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hre, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Serpentine" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Serpentine" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "ME Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Serpentine" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, }
recruit_pool "NE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "NE Mortar" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, }
recruit_pool "NE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "ME Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Rocket Launcher" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "AS Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, mongols, }
weapon_naval_gunpowder 1
material wooden
construction 5
cost 3200
settlement_min large_city
c_royal_arsenal castle requires factions { hre, france, turks, hungary, russia, venice, milan, portugal, spain, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
convert_to 3
recruit_pool "NE Basilisk" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "NE Monster Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "EE Basilisk" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "ME Monster Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Culverin" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, }
recruit_pool "NE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hre, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Serpentine" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Serpentine" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "ME Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Serpentine" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, }
recruit_pool "NE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Cannon" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, }
recruit_pool "NE Mortar" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, }
recruit_pool "NE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "EE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "EE Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "ME Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Grand Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, }
recruit_pool "NE Ribault" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "NE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "GR Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
recruit_pool "AS Rocket Launcher" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
recruit_pool "AS Bombard" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { timurids, mongols, }
weapon_naval_gunpowder 1
material wooden
construction 6
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
building urban_equestrian
levels racing_track sultans_racing_track
racing_track city requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Light Lancers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { mongols, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
stage_races 1
00martedì 18 dicembre 2012 20:36
material wooden
construction 4
cost 1200
settlement_min city
sultans_racing_track city requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Turkomans" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Light Lancers" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { mongols, }
recruit_pool "Granadine Jinetes" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Mamluk Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahis" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
recruit_pool "Mongol Heavy Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { mongols, timurids, }
happiness_bonus bonus 2
stage_races 2
material wooden
construction 5
cost 1200
settlement_min large_city
building smith
convert_to castle_smith
levels leather_tanner blacksmith armourer heavy_armourer plate_armourer gothic_armourer
leather_tanner city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
armour 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 600
settlement_min town
blacksmith city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
armour 2
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1200
settlement_min large_town
armourer city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
armour 3
material wooden
construction 4
cost 2400
settlement_min city
heavy_armourer city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 3
armour 4
material wooden
construction 5
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
plate_armourer city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 4
armour 5
material wooden
construction 6
cost 10000
settlement_min huge_city
gothic_armourer city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 5
armour 6
material wooden
construction 7
cost 15000
settlement_min huge_city
building castle_smith
convert_to smith
levels c_leather_tanner c_blacksmith c_armourer c_heavy_armourer c_plate_armourer c_gothic_armourer
c_leather_tanner castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
armour 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 600
settlement_min town
c_blacksmith castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
armour 2
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1200
settlement_min large_town
c_armourer castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
armour 3
material wooden
construction 4
cost 2400
settlement_min city
c_heavy_armourer castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 3
armour 4
material wooden
construction 5
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
c_plate_armourer castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 4
armour 5
material wooden
construction 6
cost 10000
settlement_min large_city
c_gothic_armourer castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 5
armour 6
material wooden
construction 7
cost 15000
settlement_min large_city
building port
convert_to castle_port
levels port shipwright dockyard naval_drydock
port city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, france, scotland, england, }
recruit_pool "longboat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "dhow" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
recruit_pool "ladya" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "dromon" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { sicily, papal_states, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 2
cost 800
settlement_min large_town
shipwright city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, france, scotland, england, }
recruit_pool "longboat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, scotland, france, england, }
recruit_pool "dragon boat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "dhow" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
recruit_pool "ladya" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, poland, }
recruit_pool "dromon" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "fire ship" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { sicily, papal_states, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1600
settlement_min city
dockyard city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, france, scotland, england, }
recruit_pool "longboat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, scotland, france, england, }
recruit_pool "dragon boat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "gun holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
recruit_pool "dhow" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
recruit_pool "ladya" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, poland, }
recruit_pool "gun holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, poland, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "dromon" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "fire ship" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { sicily, papal_states, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, papal_states, milan, sicily, }
recruit_pool "caravel" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, } and event_counter world_is_round 1
recruit_pool "galleass" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { venice, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 4
material wooden
construction 5
cost 3200
settlement_min large_city
naval_drydock city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and event_counter world_is_round 1
convert_to 3
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, france, scotland, england, }
recruit_pool "longboat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, scotland, france, england, }
recruit_pool "dragon boat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "gun holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
recruit_pool "carrack" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
recruit_pool "dhow" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
recruit_pool "baghlah" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
recruit_pool "ladya" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, poland, }
recruit_pool "gun holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, poland, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "carrack" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
recruit_pool "dromon" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "fire ship" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "carrack" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { sicily, papal_states, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, papal_states, milan, sicily, }
recruit_pool "caravel" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, }
recruit_pool "galleass" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { venice, }
recruit_pool "carrack" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { papal_states, sicily, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "grande carrack" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 5
material wooden
construction 6
cost 6400
settlement_min huge_city
building castle_port
convert_to port
levels c_port c_shipwright c_dockyard c_naval_drydock
c_port castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, france, scotland, england, }
recruit_pool "longboat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "dhow" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
recruit_pool "ladya" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "dromon" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { sicily, papal_states, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 2
cost 800
settlement_min large_town
c_shipwright castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, france, scotland, england, }
recruit_pool "longboat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, scotland, france, england, }
recruit_pool "dragon boat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "dhow" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
recruit_pool "ladya" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, poland, }
recruit_pool "dromon" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "fire ship" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { sicily, papal_states, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1600
settlement_min city
c_dockyard castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, france, scotland, england, }
recruit_pool "longboat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, scotland, france, england, }
recruit_pool "dragon boat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "gun holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
recruit_pool "dhow" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
recruit_pool "ladya" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, poland, }
recruit_pool "gun holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, poland, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "dromon" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "fire ship" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { sicily, papal_states, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, papal_states, milan, sicily, }
recruit_pool "caravel" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, } and event_counter world_is_round 1
recruit_pool "galleass" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { venice, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 4
material wooden
construction 5
cost 3200
settlement_min large_city
c_naval_drydock castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and event_counter world_is_round 1
convert_to 3
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, france, scotland, england, }
recruit_pool "longboat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hre, scotland, france, england, }
recruit_pool "dragon boat" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "gun holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
recruit_pool "carrack" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
recruit_pool "dhow" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
recruit_pool "baghlah" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
recruit_pool "ladya" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, poland, }
recruit_pool "gun holk" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { russia, poland, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
recruit_pool "carrack" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
recruit_pool "dromon" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "fire ship" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "carrack" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { greek, }
recruit_pool "galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { sicily, papal_states, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "cog" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, }
recruit_pool "war galley" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
recruit_pool "lanternas" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, papal_states, milan, sicily, }
recruit_pool "caravel" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, }
recruit_pool "galleass" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { venice, }
recruit_pool "carrack" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { papal_states, sicily, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "grande carrack" 1 1 3 0 requires factions { portugal, spain, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 5
material wooden
construction 6
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
building sea_trade
levels merchants_wharf warehouse docklands
merchants_wharf city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and building_present_min_level port port
trade_fleet 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1600
settlement_min city
warehouse city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and building_present_min_level port port
trade_fleet 2
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3
material wooden
construction 5
cost 3200
settlement_min large_city
docklands city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and building_present_min_level port port
trade_fleet 3
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 4
material wooden
construction 6
cost 6400
settlement_min huge_city
building admiralty
levels naval_academy admiralty
naval_academy city requires factions { denmark, england, portugal, } and building_present_min_level port port
recruitment_cost_bonus_naval bonus 1
navy_bonus 1
material wooden
construction 3
cost 2400
settlement_min city
admiralty city requires factions { denmark, england, portugal, }
recruitment_cost_bonus_naval bonus 2
navy_bonus 1
material wooden
construction 5
cost 4800
settlement_min large_city
building market
levels corn_exchange market fairground great_market merchants_quarter
corn_exchange city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
agent_limit merchant 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 600
settlement_min town
market city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3
agent_limit merchant 1
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1200
settlement_min large_town
fairground city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 4
agent_limit merchant 1
material wooden
construction 4
cost 2400
settlement_min city
great_market city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 5
agent_limit merchant 1
material wooden
construction 6
cost 4800
settlement_min large_city
merchants_quarter city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent merchant 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 6
agent_limit merchant 1
material wooden
construction 7
cost 9600
settlement_min huge_city
building hinterland_roads
convert_to hinterland_castle_roads
levels roads paved_roads
roads city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
road_level 0
material wooden
construction 1
cost 400
settlement_min town
paved_roads city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
road_level 1
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1200
settlement_min city
building hinterland_castle_roads
convert_to hinterland_roads
levels c_roads c_paved_roads
c_roads castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
road_level 0
material wooden
construction 1
cost 400
settlement_min town
c_paved_roads castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
road_level 1
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1200
settlement_min city
building hinterland_farms
convert_to hinterland_farms
levels farms farms+1 farms+2 farms+3
farms requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
farming_level 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 600
settlement_min village
farms+1 requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
farming_level 2
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1200
settlement_min town
farms+2 requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
farming_level 3
material wooden
construction 4
cost 2400
settlement_min large_town
farms+3 requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 3
farming_level 4
material wooden
construction 6
cost 4800
settlement_min city
building hinterland_mines
convert_to hinterland_castle_mines
levels mines mines+1
mines city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and resource silver or resource gold or resource tin or resource iron or resource sulfur or resource marble or resource coal
convert_to 0
mine_resource 4
material wooden
construction 2
cost 2000
settlement_min large_town
mines+1 city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and resource silver or resource gold or resource tin or resource iron or resource sulfur or resource marble or resource coal
convert_to 1
mine_resource 7
material wooden
construction 3
cost 3500
settlement_min city
building hinterland_castle_mines
convert_to hinterland_mines
levels c_mines c_mines+1
c_mines castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and resource silver or resource gold or resource tin or resource iron or resource sulfur or resource marble or resource coal
convert_to 0
mine_resource 4
material wooden
construction 2
cost 2000
settlement_min large_town
c_mines+1 castle requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and resource silver or resource gold or resource tin or resource iron or resource sulfur or resource marble or resource coal
convert_to 1
mine_resource 7
material wooden
construction 3
cost 3500
settlement_min city
00martedì 18 dicembre 2012 20:37
building health
levels public_baths aqueduct
public_baths city requires factions { greek, } and building_present_min_level market market
population_health_bonus bonus 2
population_growth_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 4
cost 800
settlement_min large_city
aqueduct city requires factions { greek, } and building_present_min_level market great_market
population_health_bonus bonus 4
population_growth_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 6
cost 1600
settlement_min huge_city
building hospital
levels bimaristan great_bimaristan
bimaristan city requires factions { middle_eastern, }
retrain_cost_bonus bonus 1
population_health_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 5
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
great_bimaristan city requires factions { middle_eastern, }
retrain_cost_bonus bonus 2
population_health_bonus bonus 4
material wooden
construction 7
cost 9600
settlement_min huge_city
building academic
levels alchemists_lab alchemy_school university
alchemists_lab city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1 and building_present_min_level market great_market
weapon_missile_gunpowder 1
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1600
settlement_min large_city
alchemy_school city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1 and building_present_min_level market merchants_quarter
weapon_missile_gunpowder 1
weapon_artillery_gunpowder 1
material wooden
construction 5
cost 3200
settlement_min huge_city
university city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
weapon_projectile 1
material wooden
construction 6
cost 6400
settlement_min huge_city
building temple_catholic
convert_to temple_catholic_castle
religion catholic
levels small_church church abbey cathedral huge_cathedral
small_church city requires factions { normans, denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, hungary, poland, venice, papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, }
convert_to 0
agent priest 0 requires factions { normans, denmark, scotland, hre, france, england, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, venice, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 1
pope_disapproval 1
agent_limit priest 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 800
settlement_min town
church city requires factions { normans, denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, hungary, poland, venice, papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, }
convert_to 1
agent priest 0 requires factions { normans, denmark, scotland, hre, france, england, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, venice, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 2
agent_limit priest 1
pope_disapproval 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1600
settlement_min large_town
abbey city requires factions { normans, denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, hungary, poland, venice, papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { normans, denmark, scotland, hre, france, england, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "Armored Clergy" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { denmark, }
happiness_bonus bonus 2
religion_level bonus 3
agent_limit priest 2
pope_disapproval 1
material wooden
construction 3
cost 3200
settlement_min city
cathedral city requires factions { normans, denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, hungary, poland, venice, papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, venice, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { normans, denmark, scotland, hre, france, england, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "Armored Clergy" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { denmark, }
happiness_bonus bonus 2
religion_level bonus 4
agent_limit priest 2
pope_disapproval 1
pope_approval 1
population_health_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 4
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
huge_cathedral city requires factions { normans, denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, hungary, poland, venice, papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { normans, denmark, scotland, hre, france, england, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "Armored Clergy" 1 0.4 3 1 requires factions { denmark, }
happiness_bonus bonus 3
religion_level bonus 5
agent_limit priest 2
pope_disapproval 1
pope_approval 1
population_health_bonus bonus 3
material wooden
construction 6
cost 10000
settlement_min huge_city
building temple_catholic_castle
convert_to temple_catholic
religion catholic
levels small_chapel chapel
small_chapel castle requires factions { normans, denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, hungary, poland, venice, papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, }
convert_to 0
agent priest 0 requires factions { normans, denmark, scotland, hre, france, england, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, venice, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 2
pope_disapproval 1
agent_limit priest 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 800
settlement_min town
chapel castle requires factions { normans, denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, hungary, poland, venice, papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, }
convert_to 1
agent priest 0 requires factions { normans, denmark, scotland, hre, france, england, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { hungary, poland, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { papal_states, portugal, spain, sicily, milan, venice, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 3
agent_limit priest 1
pope_disapproval 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1600
settlement_min large_town
building temple_orthodox
convert_to temple_orthodox_castle
religion orthodox
levels small_church_o church_o abbey_o cathedral_o huge_cathedral_o
small_church_o city requires factions { russia, byzantium, }
convert_to 0
agent priest 0 requires factions { russia, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 2
agent_limit priest 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 800
settlement_min town
church_o city requires factions { russia, byzantium, }
convert_to 1
agent priest 0 requires factions { russia, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 4
agent_limit priest 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1600
settlement_min large_town
abbey_o city requires factions { russia, byzantium, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { russia, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
happiness_bonus bonus 2
religion_level bonus 6
agent_limit priest 2
material wooden
construction 3
cost 3200
settlement_min city
cathedral_o city requires factions { russia, byzantium, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { russia, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
happiness_bonus bonus 2
religion_level bonus 8
agent_limit priest 2
material wooden
construction 4
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
huge_cathedral_o city requires factions { russia, byzantium, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { russia, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
happiness_bonus bonus 3
religion_level bonus 10
agent_limit priest 2
material wooden
construction 6
cost 10000
settlement_min huge_city
building temple_orthodox_castle
convert_to temple_orthodox
religion orthodox
levels small_chapel_o chapel_o
small_chapel_o castle requires factions { russia, byzantium, }
convert_to 0
agent priest 0 requires factions { russia, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 4
agent_limit priest 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 800
settlement_min town
chapel_o castle requires factions { russia, byzantium, }
convert_to 1
agent priest 0 requires factions { russia, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 6
agent_limit priest 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1600
settlement_min large_town
building temple_muslim
convert_to temple_muslim_castle
religion islam
levels small_masjid masjid minareted_masjid jama great_jama
small_masjid city requires factions { timurids, mongols, egypt, moors, turks, }
convert_to 0
agent priest 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 2
agent_limit priest 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 800
settlement_min town
masjid city requires factions { timurids, mongols, egypt, moors, turks, }
convert_to 1
agent priest 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 4
agent_limit priest 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1600
settlement_min large_town
minareted_masjid city requires factions { timurids, mongols, egypt, moors, turks, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
happiness_bonus bonus 2
religion_level bonus 6
agent_limit priest 2
material wooden
construction 3
cost 3200
settlement_min city
jama city requires factions { timurids, mongols, egypt, moors, turks, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
happiness_bonus bonus 2
religion_level bonus 8
agent_limit priest 2
material wooden
construction 4
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
great_jama city requires factions { timurids, mongols, egypt, moors, turks, }
agent priest 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
happiness_bonus bonus 3
religion_level bonus 10
agent_limit priest 2
material wooden
construction 6
cost 10000
settlement_min huge_city
building temple_muslim_castle
convert_to temple_muslim
religion islam
levels c_small_masjid c_masjid
c_small_masjid castle requires factions { timurids, mongols, egypt, moors, turks, }
convert_to 0
agent priest 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 4
agent_limit priest 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 800
settlement_min town
c_masjid castle requires factions { timurids, mongols, egypt, moors, turks, }
convert_to 1
agent priest 0 requires factions { egypt, moors, turks, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
religion_level bonus 6
agent_limit priest 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1600
settlement_min large_town
building taverns
levels brothel inn tavern coaching_house pleasure_palace
brothel city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 800
settlement_min town
inn city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
happiness_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1600
settlement_min large_town
tavern city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Transilvanian Peasants" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
happiness_bonus bonus 3
material wooden
construction 4
cost 3200
settlement_min city
coaching_house city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Transilvanian Peasants" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hungary, }
happiness_bonus bonus 4
material wooden
construction 5
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
pleasure_palace city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Transilvanian Peasants" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hungary, }
happiness_bonus bonus 5
material wooden
construction 6
cost 10000
settlement_min huge_city
building city_hall
levels town_hall council_chambers city_hall mayors_palace
town_hall city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
law_bonus bonus 1
population_health_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 600
settlement_min large_town
council_chambers city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Carroccio Standard M" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Carroccio Standard V" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { venice, }
law_bonus bonus 2
population_health_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1200
settlement_min city
city_hall city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Carroccio Standard M" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Carroccio Standard V" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { venice, }
recruit_pool "Janissary Heavy Inf" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
law_bonus bonus 3
population_health_bonus bonus 4
material wooden
construction 4
cost 2400
settlement_min large_city
mayors_palace city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { middle_eastern, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { greek, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Forlorn Hope" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hre, }
recruit_pool "Carroccio Standard M" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Carroccio Standard V" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { venice, }
recruit_pool "Famiglia Ducale" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { milan, }
recruit_pool "Janissary Heavy Inf" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { turks, }
law_bonus bonus 4
population_health_bonus bonus 5
material wooden
construction 5
cost 4800
settlement_min huge_city
building art
00martedì 18 dicembre 2012 20:38
levels artist_studio artist_gallery
artist_studio city requires factions { milan, venice, sicily, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 3
cost 2400
settlement_min large_city
artist_gallery city requires factions { milan, venice, sicily, }
happiness_bonus bonus 2
population_health_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 6
cost 4800
settlement_min huge_city
building bullring
levels plaza_del_toro
plaza_del_toro city requires factions { portugal, spain, }
recruit_pool "Jinetes" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 4
cost 4800
settlement_min city
building bank
levels merchant_bank merchant_vault
merchant_bank city requires factions { hre, venice, milan, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
agent_limit merchant 1
material wooden
construction 4
cost 4800
settlement_min large_city
merchant_vault city requires factions { hre, venice, milan, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3
agent_limit merchant 2
material wooden
construction 6
cost 9600
settlement_min huge_city
building paper
levels printing_press printing_house
printing_press city requires factions { hre, poland, } and event_counter first_printing_press 1
happiness_bonus bonus 1
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 4
cost 4800
settlement_min large_city
printing_house city requires factions { hre, poland, } and event_counter first_printing_press 1
happiness_bonus bonus 2
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 4
material wooden
construction 6
cost 9600
settlement_min huge_city
building icon_art
levels ikoner_studio master_ikoner_studio
ikoner_studio city requires factions { russia, greek, }
population_health_bonus bonus 1
amplify_religion_level 1.5
material wooden
construction 3
cost 4800
settlement_min large_city
master_ikoner_studio city requires factions { russia, greek, }
population_health_bonus bonus 2
amplify_religion_level 2
material wooden
construction 6
cost 9600
settlement_min huge_city
building music
levels theatre conservatorium
theatre city requires factions { france, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 4
cost 4800
settlement_min large_city
conservatorium city requires factions { france, }
happiness_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 6
cost 9600
settlement_min huge_city
building tourney
levels jousting_lists tourney_fields
jousting_lists castle requires factions { hre, france, england, portugal, spain, }
heavy_cavalry_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1600
settlement_min city
tourney_fields castle requires factions { hre, france, england, portugal, spain, }
happiness_bonus bonus 1
free_upkeep bonus 1
heavy_cavalry_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 4
cost 3200
settlement_min large_city
building castle_academic
levels library academy
library castle requires factions { denmark, scotland, hungary, poland, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
material wooden
construction 3
cost 1600
settlement_min large_city
academy castle requires factions { denmark, scotland, hungary, poland, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { northern_european, }
agent spy 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent diplomat 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
agent assassin 0 requires factions { eastern_european, }
material wooden
construction 6
cost 3200
settlement_min large_city
building caravan
levels caravan_stop caravanersary
caravan_stop castle requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Tuareg Camel Spearmens" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, }
trade_level_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1200
settlement_min large_town
caravanersary castle requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Tuareg Camel Spearmens" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "Camel Gunners" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, } and event_counter gunpowder_discovered 1
trade_level_bonus bonus 4
material wooden
construction 4
cost 3600
settlement_min large_city
building guild_assassins_guild
levels assassins_guild m_assassins_guild gm_assassins_guild
assassins_guild city requires factions { northern_european, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
law_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
m_assassins_guild city requires factions { northern_european, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Battlefield Assassins" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hungary, }
law_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
gm_assassins_guild city requires factions { northern_european, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Battlefield Assassins" 1 0.4 3 1 requires factions { hungary, }
law_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min huge_city
building guild_assassins_muslim_guild
levels eastern_assassins_guild m_eastern_assassins_guild gm_eastern_assassins_guild
eastern_assassins_guild city requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "Hashishim" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
m_eastern_assassins_guild city requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "Hashishim" 1 0.4 3 1 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
gm_eastern_assassins_guild city requires factions { middle_eastern, }
recruit_pool "Hashishim" 1 0.4 3 2 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min huge_city
building guild_masons_guild
levels masons_guild m_masons_guild gm_masons_guild
masons_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Spear Militia" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, Normans, }
recruit_pool "Italian Spear Militia" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Spear Militia" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { poland, russia, hungary, }
recruit_pool "SE Spear Militia" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, turks, mongols, timurids, }
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 30
happiness_bonus bonus 1
material stone
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
m_masons_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Bill Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Heavy Pike Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Partisan Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, }
recruit_pool "Halberd Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { hre, papal_states, sicily, poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Swordstaff Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Swordsmen Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
recruit_pool "Italian Spear Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { milan, venice, }
recruit_pool "EE Spear Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Infantry" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Urban Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "ME Halberd Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { mongols, }
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 30
happiness_bonus bonus 1
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 20
material stone
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
gm_masons_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Heavy Bill Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Heavy Pike Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { scotland, }
recruit_pool "Pike Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { france, hre, spain, portugal, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "Swordstaff Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { denmark, }
recruit_pool "Halberd Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Berdiche Axemen" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Byzantine Infantry" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Urban Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { moors, }
recruit_pool "ME Halberd Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { egypt, turks, timurids, }
recruit_pool "ME Spear Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { mongols, }
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 30
happiness_bonus bonus 2
construction_cost_bonus_stone bonus 30
material stone
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min huge_city
building guild_theologians_guild
levels theologians_guild m_theologians_guild gm_theologians_guild
theologians_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
m_theologians_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
gm_theologians_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min huge_city
building guild_merchants_guild
levels merchants_guild m_merchants_guild gm_merchants_guild
merchants_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Merchant Cavalry Militia" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Italian Cavalry Militia" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Cavalry Militia" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Greek Militia Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahis" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
m_merchants_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Merchant Cavalry Militia" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Italian Cavalry Militia" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Cavalry Militia" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Greek Militia Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahis" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { turks, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2
material wooden
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
gm_merchants_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
recruit_pool "Merchant Cavalry Militia" 1 0.5 4 0 requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Merchant Cavalry Militia" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { scotland, france, hre, denmark, spain, portugal, poland, hungary, }
recruit_pool "Italian Cavalry Militia" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, }
recruit_pool "EE Cavalry Militia" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { russia, }
recruit_pool "Greek Militia Cavalry" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { byzantium, }
recruit_pool "Arab Cavalry" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { moors, egypt, }
recruit_pool "Sipahis" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { turks, }
trade_base_income_bonus bonus 3
material wooden
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min huge_city
building guild_alchemists_guild
levels alchemists_guild m_alchemists_guild gm_alchemists_guild
alchemists_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
gun_bonus 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
m_alchemists_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
gun_bonus 1
gun_bonus 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
gm_alchemists_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
gun_bonus 1
gun_bonus 2
material wooden
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min huge_city
building guild_thiefs_guild
levels thieves_guild m_thieves_guild gm_thieves_guild
thieves_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
m_thieves_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
gm_thieves_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min huge_city
building guild_explorers_guild
levels explorers_guild m_explorers_guild gm_explorers_guild
explorers_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
m_explorers_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
gm_explorers_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
material wooden
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min huge_city
building guild_swordsmiths_guild
convert_to guild_swordsmiths_guild
levels swordsmiths_guild m_swordsmiths_guild gm_swordsmiths_guild
swordsmiths_guild requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
weapon_melee_blade 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
m_swordsmiths_guild requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
weapon_melee_blade 1
heavy_cavalry_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
gm_swordsmiths_guild requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
weapon_melee_blade 1
heavy_cavalry_bonus bonus 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min large_city
building guild_templars_chapter_house
convert_to guild_templars_chapter_house
religion catholic
levels templars_minor_ch templars_major_ch templars_hq
templars_minor_ch requires factions { england, france, scotland, denmark, hungary, poland, papal_states, milan, sicily, venice, }
convert_to 0
recruit_pool "Knights Templar" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, denmark, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, poland, hungary, }
material stone
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
templars_major_ch requires factions { england, france, scotland, denmark, hungary, poland, papal_states, milan, sicily, venice, }
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "Knights Templar" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { england, scotland, france, denmark, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, poland, hungary, }
material stone
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
templars_hq requires factions { england, france, scotland, denmark, hungary, poland, papal_states, milan, sicily, venice, }
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "Knights Templar" 1 0.7 6 2 requires factions { england, scotland, france, denmark, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, poland, hungary, }
material stone
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min large_city
building guild_st_johns_chapter_house
convert_to guild_st_johns_chapter_house
religion catholic
levels st_johns_minor_ch st_johns_major_ch st_johns_hq
st_johns_minor_ch requires factions { england, france, scotland, denmark, hungary, poland, papal_states, milan, sicily, venice, }
convert_to 0
recruit_pool "Knights Hospitaller" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, scotland, france, denmark, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, poland, hungary, }
population_health_bonus bonus 1
material stone
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
st_johns_major_ch requires factions { england, france, scotland, denmark, hungary, poland, papal_states, milan, sicily, venice, }
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "Knights Hospitaller" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { england, scotland, france, denmark, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, poland, hungary, }
population_health_bonus bonus 2
material stone
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
st_johns_hq requires factions { england, france, scotland, denmark, hungary, poland, papal_states, milan, sicily, venice, }
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "Knights Hospitaller" 1 0.7 6 2 requires factions { england, scotland, france, denmark, milan, venice, papal_states, sicily, poland, hungary, }
population_health_bonus bonus 3
material stone
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min large_city
building guild_teutonic_knights_chapter_house
convert_to guild_teutonic_knights_chapter_house
religion catholic
levels teutonic_knights_minor_ch teutonic_knights_major_ch teutonic_knights_hq
teutonic_knights_minor_ch requires factions { hre, }
convert_to 0
recruit_pool "Teutonic Knights" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { hre, }
material stone
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
teutonic_knights_major_ch requires factions { hre, }
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "Teutonic Knights" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { hre, }
material stone
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
teutonic_knights_hq requires factions { hre, }
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "Teutonic Knights" 1 0.7 6 2 requires factions { hre, }
material stone
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min large_city
building guild_knights_of_santiago_chapter_house
convert_to guild_knights_of_santiago_chapter_house
religion catholic
levels knights_of_santiago_minor_ch knights_of_santiago_major_ch knights_of_santiago_hq
knights_of_santiago_minor_ch requires factions { portugal, spain, }
convert_to 0
recruit_pool "Knights of Santiago" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
material stone
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
knights_of_santiago_major_ch requires factions { portugal, spain, }
convert_to 1
recruit_pool "Knights of Santiago" 1 0.5 4 1 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
material stone
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
knights_of_santiago_hq requires factions { portugal, spain, }
convert_to 2
recruit_pool "Knights of Santiago" 1 0.7 6 2 requires factions { spain, portugal, }
material stone
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min large_city
building guild_woodsmens_guild
levels woodsmens_guild m_woodsmens_guild gm_woodsmens_guild
woodsmens_guild castle requires factions { england, }
archer_bonus 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
m_woodsmens_guild castle requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Sherwood Archers" 1 0.2 2 0 requires factions { england, }
archer_bonus 1
archer_bonus 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
gm_woodsmens_guild castle requires factions { england, }
recruit_pool "Sherwood Archers" 1 0.4 3 0 requires factions { england, }
archer_bonus 1
archer_bonus 2
material wooden
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min large_city
building guild_horse_breeders_guild
levels horse_breeders_guild m_horse_breeders_guild gm_horse_breeders_guild
horse_breeders_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
cavalry_bonus 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 1000
settlement_min city
m_horse_breeders_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
cavalry_bonus 1
cavalry_bonus 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 2000
settlement_min large_city
gm_horse_breeders_guild city requires factions { northern_european, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
cavalry_bonus 1
cavalry_bonus 2
material wooden
construction 1
cost 3000
settlement_min huge_city
building convert_to_castle
convert_to convert_to_city
levels village_to_wooden_castle small_town_to_stone_keep large_town_to_castle
village_to_wooden_castle city requires factions { denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
material wooden
construction 1
cost 800
settlement_min village
small_town_to_stone_keep city requires factions { denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 1600
settlement_min town
large_town_to_castle city requires factions { denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
material wooden
construction 2
cost 3200
settlement_min large_town
building convert_to_city
convert_to convert_to_castle
levels wooden_castle_to_village stone_keep_to_small_town castle_to_large_town large_castle_to_city fortress_to_city
wooden_castle_to_village castle requires factions { denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 0
material wooden
construction 1
cost 800
settlement_min village
stone_keep_to_small_town castle requires factions { denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 1
material wooden
construction 1
cost 1200
settlement_min town
castle_to_large_town castle requires factions { denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
convert_to 2
material wooden
construction 2
cost 1600
settlement_min large_town
large_castle_to_city castle requires factions { denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
material wooden
construction 2
cost 3200
settlement_min city
fortress_to_city castle requires factions { denmark, hre, scotland, france, england, mesoamerican, middle_eastern, eastern_european, greek, southern_european, }
material wooden
construction 3
cost 6400
settlement_min large_city
building temple_pagan
religion pagan
levels high_temple
high_temple city requires factions { mesoamerican, }
happiness_bonus bonus 2
religion_level bonus 10
law_bonus bonus 5
material wooden
construction 1
cost 15000
settlement_min town
00martedì 18 dicembre 2012 20:39
Fatto spero di essere stato utile^^ (Di sicuro meglio degli amministratori del forum).
00giovedì 20 dicembre 2012 11:45
Mamma mia....non se stato d'aiuto, ma molto di più! :D
Grazie centomila! :D
Appena torno a casa seguo la procedura e vedo se funziona!
Grazie ancora! :D
00sabato 22 dicembre 2012 12:10
Solo una domanda: dove trovo l'unpacker? xD
00venerdì 28 dicembre 2012 12:37
LOL xd

Per l'unpacker devi andare nella cartella Tool e devi selezionare unpack_all (ci devi cliccare due volte).
00venerdì 28 dicembre 2012 12:39
Se non lo trovi è perchè evidentemente non hai la patch avanzata (non mi ricordo quale). Prova ad installare una patch per volta e vedi finita l'istanllazione della patch se te la dà.
00venerdì 28 dicembre 2012 12:41
AH premetto anche un'altra cosa:

Il file che ho messo funziona se ci aggiungi anche la mod che aggiunge i MONGOLI e i TARTARI. (NON i SASSONI e i NORMANNI)
00venerdì 28 dicembre 2012 23:26
Grazie delle risposte, ci proverò! :)
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